- International Welding Technologist -IWT N°080048A- (at the Italian Institute of Welding, Genoa 2008).
- International Welding Specialist (at the Italian Institute of Welding, Genoa 2000).
- NDT Level II qualification in MT, PT, RT,VT,UT as per UNI EN 473/PED 97-23-CE and ISO 9712.2008.
- NDT Level II qualification in UT-TOFD as per EN 473 and ISO 9712.2008.
- Coating Inspector Level A -INAC No. 239-(at the Italian Institute of Anticorrosion, Milan 2010)
- Training on Heat Treatment on steel works, forging and no ferrous materials (at the AIM -Italian metallurgic Institute).
- Quality Assurance Systems Auditor. Courses held by RINA (Italian Naval Register) organized by the Chamber of Industry North-East Italy. Attendance on behalf of Mangiarotti. Planned for current year -2014- two training courses to improve professional skills:
A. UT-Phased Array Technique;
B. Corrosion on SS material. Courses held by Ph.D. M. Boniardi (University of Milan “Politecnico di Milano”).
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